International Children's Folklore and Folkgame Festival - Taiwan

International Children's Folklore and Folkgame Festival - Taiwan

Yilan - Taiwan

Corona Events' staff flew to the other side of the world to take part at the International Children's Folklore and Folkgame Festival 2019 in Taiwan.


Lotus Flower and Vanity of the Abyss were the protagonists of the opening nights of the festival.


During the Official Opening of the Festival the governor of Yilan gave a "magic key" to a Flying Led Butterfly which flew over the basin that became the theater of the shows.


In addition, the show was made precious by Cecaelia, Led Butterflies on the stilts and the mysterious Steamdancers: they sailed on the surface of the water, ecstatic the audience present in each side of the basin, parading around our central beating heart: the Lotus Flower.